Hawaii National Parks

Welcome to the breathtaking islands of Hawaii, a tropical paradise located in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. Comprised of eight main islands, Hawaii is a place of unrivaled natural beauty, diverse ecosystems, and rich cultural heritage. This stunning archipelago is home to some of the most captivating national parks in the United States.

Nestled in the middle of the Pacific, Hawaii’s location gives it a unique geography and diverse landscapes. From the volcanic wonders of the Big Island to the lush rainforests of Kauai and the pristine beaches of Maui, each island offers its own distinct charm and natural wonders.

Hawaii is home to two exceptional national parks: Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and Haleakala National Park. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, located on the Big Island, is a mesmerizing realm of active volcanoes, lava flows, and volcanic landscapes. Visitors can witness the power of nature as they explore trails, drive along the scenic Chain of Craters Road, and marvel at the awe-inspiring Kilauea Caldera.

On the island of Maui, Haleakala National Park beckons with its dramatic volcanic crater, vibrant sunrises, and stunning vistas. The park’s summit area offers a surreal experience above the clouds, while its coastal sections reveal hidden waterfalls, lush forests, and rare wildlife.

These national parks not only showcase the geological wonders of Hawaii but also provide opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and wildlife viewing. Visitors can also immerse themselves in the rich Hawaiian culture and learn about the ancient traditions and customs that are deeply rooted in the islands.

List of National Parks in Hawaii

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Located on the Big Island of Hawaii, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is a mesmerizing realm of active volcanoes and captivating volcanic landscapes. Visitors can witness the dynamic nature of the earth as they explore trails, drive along the scenic Chain of Craters Road, and marvel at the awe-inspiring Kilauea Caldera. The park features volcanic craters, lava tubes, steam vents, and the famous Halema’uma’u Crater, which is home to Pele, the Hawaiian volcano goddess. Hiking opportunities abound, offering a chance to witness recent lava flows and discover the unique flora and fauna that thrive in this volcanic environment. The park’s cultural significance is also evident in the presence of ancient Hawaiian petroglyphs and historic sites associated with Hawaiian traditions and mythology.

Haleakala National Park

Situated on the island of Maui, Haleakala National Park is renowned for its dramatic volcanic crater and breathtaking landscapes. The park’s centerpiece is the massive Haleakala Crater, a sacred site known as the “House of the Sun.” Visitors can experience the awe-inspiring sunrise or sunset from the summit, where the colors of the sky create a surreal and unforgettable panorama. The park encompasses diverse ecosystems, from the crater’s lunar-like landscape to lush rainforests and waterfalls. Hiking trails take visitors through forests of endemic plants and offer stunning views of the coastline. Haleakala is also a prime location for stargazing due to its high elevation and minimal light pollution, making it a captivating destination for astronomy enthusiasts.


These national parks in Hawaii offer unique and captivating experiences, allowing visitors to witness the power of volcanic activity in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and immerse themselves in the awe-inspiring beauty of Haleakala National Park. From exploring lava tubes to witnessing vibrant sunrises above the clouds, these parks offer a glimpse into the geological wonders and rich cultural heritage of the Hawaiian Islands.