National Parks in American Samoa

Welcome to American Samoa, a tropical paradise in the South Pacific! Situated in the heart of Polynesia, American Samoa is a group of islands known for their stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and unique national parks. Located in the South Pacific Ocean, this unincorporated territory of the United States comprises five main islands and two coral atolls.

The geography of American Samoa is characterized by lush rainforests, pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and dramatic volcanic landscapes. The islands are home to diverse flora and fauna, including rare bird species and colorful marine life.

Within this enchanting destination, you’ll find two national parks: National Park of American Samoa and Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary. These protected areas offer visitors the opportunity to explore and appreciate the untouched wonders of the islands.

National Park of American Samoa is spread across three islands: Tutuila, Ta’u, and Ofu. It showcases a unique blend of Samoan culture and breathtaking natural landscapes. Visitors can embark on scenic hikes through lush forests, encounter cascading waterfalls, and marvel at ancient Polynesian archaeological sites.

Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary, located on the island of Tutuila, is renowned for its vibrant coral reefs and thriving marine ecosystem. Snorkelers and scuba divers can witness a kaleidoscope of colorful fish, coral formations, and even spot sea turtles and dolphins.

Prepare to be captivated by the pristine beauty, warm hospitality, and cultural richness of American Samoa’s national parks. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or a deeper connection with nature, this Polynesian paradise offers an unforgettable experience for all who visit.

List of National Parks in American Samoa

  • National Park of American Samoa

National Park of American Samoa

Located across the islands of Tutuila, Ta’u, and Ofu, the National Park of American Samoa is a unique blend of stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. This park is the only one in the United States that preserves the Samoan way of life. Visitors can immerse themselves in the vibrant Samoan culture, witness traditional practices, and explore the natural wonders of the islands. Hiking trails lead through lush rainforests, offering breathtaking views of rugged coastlines, waterfalls, and hidden beaches. The park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including native bird species like the Samoan fruit bat and the Ma’oma’o. Visitors can also visit traditional Samoan villages and partake in cultural activities such as weaving and cooking.

Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Situated on the island of Tutuila, Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary is a haven for marine life and a paradise for snorkelers and divers. The sanctuary encompasses a vibrant coral reef ecosystem teeming with colorful fish, turtles, and other marine species. Crystal-clear waters provide excellent visibility, allowing visitors to explore the underwater world and witness the beauty of the coral formations. The bay’s protected status ensures the preservation of this delicate marine environment. In addition to snorkeling and diving, visitors can enjoy kayaking or take a boat tour to admire the scenic coastline. The sanctuary also offers educational programs and interpretive displays to learn more about the importance of conservation and marine biodiversity.

These national parks in American Samoa offer a truly unique experience, combining the beauty of untouched natural landscapes with the cultural richness of the Samoan people. Whether you’re exploring the rainforests and ancient archaeological sites or discovering the wonders of the marine sanctuary, you’ll be enchanted by the harmonious blend of nature and culture that sets these parks apart.